Home WordPress Plugins Admin Columns Pro 6.4.1 Plugin Free Download

Admin Columns Pro 6.4.1 Plugin Free Download


Admin Columns Pro 6.4.1 Plugin Free Download

Admin Columns Pro is a WordPress plugin designed to enhance the manageability and efficiency of content within the WordPress admin area. It provides numerous features that improve the organization, customization, and handling of data displayed in the admin columns. Here are the properties and functionalities commonly associated with Admin Columns Pro:

Customizable Columns: The plugin allows users to customize and manage the columns displayed on various admin screens, such as posts, pages, custom post types, users, media, and more. Users can add, remove, or rearrange columns based on their preferences.

Sortable Columns: Users can sort the content in the admin columns by simply clicking on the column header, facilitating easier organization and retrieval of data.

Inline Editing: Admin Columns Pro enables inline editing for various types of content directly from the admin column. Users can quickly edit titles, categories, tags, custom fields, and other data without entering individual edit screens.

Filtering and Searching: The plugin offers filtering and search functionalities within admin columns, allowing users to filter and search for specific content right from the admin screen without navigating through multiple pages.

Integration with Custom Fields: It seamlessly integrates with custom fields and custom post types, displaying their data in the admin columns and allowing users to edit them directly.

Import and Export Column Settings: Users can import and export column settings configurations, making it easy to replicate setups across multiple WordPress sites or for backup purposes.

Conditional Logic: Admin Columns Pro allows users to set conditions for displaying certain columns based on specific criteria, enhancing the flexibility of column management.

Compatibility and Extendibility: The plugin is compatible with various other popular WordPress plugins and extensions, and it often provides hooks and filters for developers to extend its functionalities further.

Admin Columns Pro essentially streamlines the WordPress admin interface, providing a more efficient and customized way to manage and interact with content, making it particularly valuable for WordPress administrators and content managers handling large amounts of data on their sites.




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