Home MNT Blogs Increasing trends of intolerance behavior and extremism practices in society

Increasing trends of intolerance behavior and extremism practices in society

Increasing trends of intolerance behavior and extremism practices in the society

If we look at it, the demand of the times is that life is simply about living through it with joy and happiness, in this, we recognize both the benefits for ourselves and the harm it can cause to others. The essence of serving humanity lies in the consideration and respect for each other’s rights. Basically, human behavior changes over time due to a variety of factors including cultural shifts, technological advancements, social changes, and individual life experiences, our society is comprised of different diversity, ethnicities, cultural dimensions, norms and values there is such a huge round of inclusivity of different group of people with different ideologies. The main purpose to promote diversity with the help of acceptance the existence of every individual and give space to their ideas, their thoughts, their visions etc. So the question arise as to how intolerance behavior is growing in society and what is causes by effecting the social values and norms of life with the passage of time now it effects the young generation’s mindset by short term procedure with the online technology and digital platforms. According to the survey of social platforms and different youngsters point of views, I was finding the different perspectives of people and reached on the basic point that relays on the Radicalization and Psychological factors are the main issues of intolerance behavior, it refers to the examination of mental and emotional processes that one is ignorance or lack of knowledge and other is sense of superiority. These terms identify that psychological factors in radicalization ignorance means the person is not getting the basic information to that particular idea, unaware of different perspectives, critical thinking skills and accept the extremist ideologies without any questions.  There is different behavior of the superior mindset, he beliefs in one’s own superior thought whether based on race, color, sects, nationality, religion, Gender, and much more can drive radicalization that would be sometimes without Knowing or understanding the other point of view. How time is passing by the new generation has been aware of the main stream line that the extremism and intolerance behavior reach to the last stage that can destroy all the human dignity, life, security, right to live a freely life. According to my research I recently complete my course of Peace and Tolerance by Centre of human rights education, finally I am the official member of Rawadari Tehreek which motivates us to promote peace and tolerance each and every thing that has been already suffered. We need to take it seriously to enhance the capability of long term thinking that we should work on the grass root level in our society who give the equal rights to every human being who lives in the world should the right to enjoy each and every right of life and we need to understand that every person has the right to being a part of every moment that makes us to learn or to teach. Mr. Samson Salamat who gives us the biggest example of Peace builder and the founder of the Tehreek and he give the vision to the youngsters that show the zero tolerance towards the extremist and make them wonder to what you will give to the nation on working on intolerance behavior and peace building to highlight the main issues that never can reach to the point every human being have the right to choose his own way of living lifestyle and go towards the other sides as well .I truly working on the behavior of intolerance and make the environment Peacfull.


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