Home WordPress Plugins Media Cleaner Pro 6.6.8 Free Download

Media Cleaner Pro 6.6.8 Free Download


Media Cleaner Pro 6.6.8 Free Download

Media Cleaner Pro is a WordPress plugin designed to help clean and optimize media libraries by detecting and removing unused or redundant files from your website. Here are some of its key properties and functionalities:

Media Library Cleanup: Media Cleaner Pro scans your WordPress media library to identify and remove unused or redundant media files. It detects files not attached to any posts or pages, such as images, videos, or other media that might be cluttering your database.

Detects Orphan Files: It identifies orphan files, which are media files that exist in the media library but aren’t associated with any content on your site, such as posts or pages.

Bulk Deletion: Offers the capability to bulk delete or move files from your media library based on the scan results. Users can select specific files or opt for automated cleaning options.

Safety Measures: Provides a ‘Trash’ feature instead of immediate deletion, allowing users to review and restore files before permanent deletion, reducing the risk of accidentally removing necessary media.

Customizable Scans: Allows customization of the scan process by choosing specific folders or directories to include or exclude from the scan.

Manual Review: Offers the option for manual review before deletion, enabling users to confirm the files that will be removed.

Multi-site Support: Compatible with WordPress Multisite installations, enabling administrators to clean up media libraries across multiple sites from a single dashboard.

Compatibility Check: Ensures compatibility with various themes and plugins to prevent accidental removal of files necessary for site functionality.

Scheduled Scans: Allows users to schedule regular scans and cleanups to maintain a clutter-free media library automatically.

Always check the plugin’s official website or documentation for the most up-to-date information about Media Cleaner Pro, as features and functionalities may have been added or updated after my last knowledge update.



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