Home WordPress Plugins Really Simple SSL Pro 7.2.1 – WordPress Plugin Free Download

Really Simple SSL Pro 7.2.1 – WordPress Plugin Free Download


Really Simple SSL Pro 7.2.1 – WordPress Plugin Free Download

Really Simple SSL Pro is an advanced version of the Really Simple SSL plugin designed for WordPress websites to easily migrate from HTTP to HTTPS, ensuring secure and encrypted connections. Here are the key properties and functionalities of Really Simple SSL Pro:

Automatic SSL Configuration: Simplifies the process of installing an SSL certificate on a WordPress website, automatically detecting settings and configuring SSL to enable HTTPS.

Mixed Content Fixer: Helps resolve mixed content issues that may arise after moving to HTTPS, ensuring that all resources (images, scripts, stylesheets, etc.) are loaded securely over HTTPS.

HTTP to HTTPS Redirect: Automatically redirects all HTTP requests to HTTPS to ensure a secure connection, improving site security and SEO rankings.

Safe Search Replace Tool: Offers a tool to safely search and replace HTTP URLs with HTTPS in your WordPress database, ensuring that all internal links and references are updated to HTTPS.

Individual Page SSL Settings: Allows customization of SSL settings for specific pages or posts, giving flexibility in managing HTTPS for different content.

Certificate Expiry Notifications: Provides notifications and alerts regarding SSL certificate expiration, ensuring timely renewal and uninterrupted HTTPS functionality.

HSTS Preload List Submission: Helps submit your site to the HSTS preload list, a list of websites hardcoded into browsers as HTTPS-only sites, further improving security.

Support for Subdomains and Multisite: Ensures smooth SSL implementation for subdomains and WordPress Multisite installations, offering comprehensive coverage for different site structures.

Improvement in Performance: Designed to optimize the SSL setup and ensure minimal impact on website performance, maintaining site speed and efficiency.

Always refer to the plugin’s official website or documentation for the most current information, as new features and improvements may have been introduced after my last update.



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