Home Review Writing Review on the Novel – Love in the time of Cholera

Review on the Novel – Love in the time of Cholera

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Review on the Novel – Love in the time of Cholera

The essence of what we call as true love never fades. Or does it? How harshly can the nature test you for your sentiment and how long will a man keep his feelings alive? As it has occurred over the course of literature, it happens again: two lovers separated by the harshness of circumstances. Will their love ever blossom again? Such is the kind of love that happened at the time of cholera in the Caribbean.

Love in the time of CholeraFlorentino Arzia falls in love with Fermina Daza, even though it was impossible to love her from the real start because of her strict father. Stil our hero conveys his love to her in attempt to the start a sacred relationship, which Fermina Daza lets happen.

But the events were not in favor of them from the real start and the tides kept changing. Then a new, far more eligible person: Doctor Juvenal Urbino, enters her life with the intention of marriage. Seeing no hope in her former love, and for the satisfaction of her father and for acquiring a wealthy and respectable status, Fermina Daza accepts the proposal, leaving Florentino Arza devastated, without any explanation. Then a passage of almost fifty years pass, which Florentino Arzia passes with solid determination that his day will one day come, when Fermina Daza will again be a part of his life. This determination gains more fire when one day accidently the lovely husband of Fermina Daza: Dr. Juvenal Urbino dies, leaving her as a widow. Florentino Arzia amazed by seeing his lifelong wish come true, again tries to win the love of his beloved Fermina Daza. Will Farmina Daza let this happen? Is there any love left in her for him or for this world? How Florentino Arzia, grown old over the decades, will ever be the man once she loved?

The author Gabriel Garcia Marquez has been awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1982 and has provided many great fictions like One hundred Years of Solitude, The Autumn of Patriarch and many more.


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