Home Review Writing Review on the Novel Kafka On The Shore

Review on the Novel Kafka On The Shore

Review on the Novel Kafka on the shore

Review on the Novel Kafka On The Shore

Can two words coexist in a single person? One being the real and other one being abstract. Such is an example of a boy named Kafka who runs away from home, and as the boy travels through Japan, he also witnesses advancing through another magical world. The series of events occurring in the both of the worlds lead Kafka closer to his quest. At some point the reality seemed more abstract than the unreal, and concerns get higher about, what conclusion will the story reach?

Review-on-the-Novel-Kafka-on-the-shoreSuch is the art of writing, Haruki Murakami is gifted with, making the readers think that anything can be possible from raining leaches to a talking cat and much more, while keeping the authenticity of normal world still intact. On his journey Kafka meets new people and tries to find refuge, so that he can hide from his father, who was looking out for him. At this point his spiritual journey also takes wild turns through the unseen world. But all the advancement brings more questions than the answers. Through Kafka’s journey we learn about the reliability of prophecies, an insight into the language of music, connection between different souls and working of parallel worlds. These series of lessons in return help us in a better understanding of this book. Meanwhile the story brings more characters into light and reveal to us their journeys and show us that how all of the entity is ultimately one. Such coincidence is what amazes the most. Can the framework of time be flexible enough to let the parts of mysteries unravel at different time periods, simultaneously. It is hard to believe though but might seem true at a point. Kafka’s journey is more than just what is seen by the eye, on the other hand it carries the imagination to a level, never reached before. As the truth unwinds, so does the risen tides of paradox begin to settle down slowly. The whole story is a mesmerizing experience never to be forgotten.

Haruki Murakami is a most famous Japanese author solely known for his such style of writing that completely separates him from the rest.




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